वहाँको जन्म साधारण किसान परिवारमा भएको थियो । पिता रुद्र बहादुर प्रधान र माता जगत कुमारी प्रधानको सुपुत्रको रुपमा वहाँको जन्म सन् १९४९ जनवरी १ मा खुट्टा-टप्पा, परासी बजारमा भएको थियो।
वहाँको जन्म साधारण किसान परिवारमा भएको थियो । पिता रुद्र बहादुर प्रधान र माता जगत कुमारी प्रधानको सुपुत्रको रुपमा वहाँको जन्म सन् १९४९ जनवरी १ मा खुट्टा-टप्पा, परासी बजारमा भएको थियो।
Dhruba B. Pradhan Early Life
Dhruba B. Pradhan early years were spent in the village, where he only had access to informal education. Back then, gurus would come from India to Nepal, to teach children in the open fields, and he remembers learning how to write his first letter with his teacher, Sita Ram Upadhay. By the time a more formal school system was established, which was still studying under an open roof, but in a land provided by Shiva Prasad Yadav, he attended the first “school” set up in Kasiya Chour. Dhruba B. Pradhan remembers being in Grade 5 at the time, and learning the Nepali anthem for the first time, when some Nepal Army members came to the area. He completed much of his formative education years in Nawal Parasi, and had the good fortune to learn from his Uncle and cousin who were studying Benaras and Gorakhpur to further expand his learnings and understanding of the world.
Dhruba B. Pradhan moved to Kathmandu when he was starting Grade 10, and joined Banasthali Boarding High School from where he completed his School Leaving Certificate (SLC). After completing his SLC, he joined Trichandra College in 2021 BS.
After he completed his first year of his intermediate college, in 2022 BS, his mother passed away. A central figure who was supportive of his education and personal development, her loss at this time was a difficult period during his life. Regardless, Dhruba B. Pradhan didn’t lose hope and got his brother’s support to continue his second year of Intermediate College. While studying at Trichandra College, he experienced advocating for justice proactively for the first time. During the Trichandra College Anniversary, after the attendance of royal dignitaries, the students came to know that a DIG level officer had misbehaved with a female student. Once he found out the students led a large protest to make sure the guilty was charged. He remembers leading the strike and protest for the “western sector schools in Kantipath” during that time, and gathering students from Shanti Niketan, Juddhodaya and Paropkar- where they shut all schools until the guilty was punished.
Now, looking back, Dhruba B. Pradhan fondly reminisces that this was one of the first large scale events in which he actively took leadership in fighting for justice. Many present day political leaders still remember him for this act he took during that time.
Mr. Dhruba Bahadur Pradhan with his wife Mrs. Nirmala Shrestha
Once he completed his ISc, his financial situation was still challenging. Dhruba B. Pradhan was decent in studies, so he decided to teach. He continued to study BSc and taught to make his ends meet, and complete his education. Once he completed his BSc, he started teaching science and mathematics at Durbar High School. It was during this time his life came to a crossroads: he applied for Electrical Engineering in Russia, he applied for an MSc in Chemistry, and he also applied for an opportunity to join the Nepal Police as an Inspector.
From a young age, Dhruba B. Pradhan, had a strong belief that he needed to help those less fortunate than him. He would collect wood that the flood water brought in, risking his life to collect wood so that elderly in his village could use the wood for fuel and fodder. He has fond memories of playing guleli, flying kites, and fishing with his friends, and playing with matyangrah (maato ko guccha) where they could make 100 with 1 paisa back in the day. From a young age, he would collect all the young children of his village and form a “battalion” and go to the forest, or play kabbadi and kusti in the village akhada. In a way, he was blessed with leadership qualities from a young age with the ability to mix with everyone in his village regardless of their caste, class or ethnic background.
ध्रुव बहादुर प्रधान सानैदेखि आफुभन्दा कमजोर मानिसहरुलाई सहयोग गर्नुपर्छ भन्ने कुरामा दृढ विश्वास राख्नुहुन्थ्यो । यतिसम्म कि आफ्नो ज्यान नै जोखिममा राखेर वहाँले बाढीले ल्याएको दाउराहरु जम्मा गरेर गाउँको अशक्त र वृद्ध-वृद्धाहरुलाई बाँडिदिनुहुन्थ्यो ताकि उनीहरुले खाना पकाउन र आगो ताप्न सकुन । साथीहरुसँग गुलेली खेलेको, चङ्गा उडाएको, माछा मार्न गएको अनि मट्याङ्रा (माटोको गुच्चा) खेलेर एकै दिनमा एक पैसाबाट एक रुपँया कमाएको क्षणहरु वहाँको स्मृतिमा आज पनि ताजै छन् । त्यो बेलादेखि नै वहाँ गाउँका केटा-केटीहरुलाई बटुलेर बटालियन बनाएर या त जङल जान्थे या त गाउँकै अखडामा कुस्ती र कबड्डी खेल्थे। एक किसिमले भन्नुपर्दा वहाँमा सानै उमेरदेखि नै जात, वर्ग वा जातीय पृष्ठभूमिको पर्वाह नगरी आफ्नो गाउँका सबैसँग घुलमिल हुने क्षमता भएको नेतृत्वशाली गुण थियो।